Posts Filed Under Photos

Where Toys Go To Run

posted by Momo Fali on February 26, 2008
In order to get on my treadmill, I have to remove two bouncing balls, two skipping toys, two stick-horses, my daughter’s purse, and a Hannah Montana wig.

Seems to me, it’s more of a pain than the workout itself.
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Why My Best Friend Is Green With Envy

posted by Momo Fali on February 10, 2008
At speech therapy the other day, my son and his therapist made “juice” out of fresh spinach, celery, parsley, limes, green apples, and ginger.
It was very thick and chunky.

And, my son likes vegetables so much…that he drank it right up.

Fairy Tale Lost

posted by Momo Fali on January 30, 2008
Once upon a time there was a plane crash.

Oceanic 815, broke apart and fell onto an island in the south Pacific; also known as
the Island of Beautiful Plane-Crash-Surviving-People.
The Beautiful People amazingly found an enormous food supply, walkie-talkies, guns, strange tunnels and hidden rooms filled with static-laden televisions and big syringes. But, on the downside they also found polar bears and a big, black cloud that mysteriously kills people.

All the while, there were numbers everywhere.

These numbers4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.
And, if you think they don’t mean anything, that’s because they don’t mean anything.

But luckily, or unluckily, depending on your perspective, there were others on this island. Others who were crazily enough called…

The Others.

As nice as you would expect people named The Others to be. They did bad things, like kidnap and gag the Beautiful People, who were then taken to cages where they had to do pet tricks for fish biscuits.

Alas, the Beautiful People could not be held down! They schemed, planned and talked about being rescued by Penny’s boat. Only it was NOT Penny’s boat.

Even though it wasn’t Penny’s boat, people still showed up to save them from The Others, and the polar bears, and the big black cloud.

No, not those people, but some other ones.

But, when one of the rescuers saw the Beautiful People he said, ”Rescuing your people? I can’t really say it’s our primary objective.” Ruh Roh!

Boys and girls, I would like to tell you that this fairy tale ends well and that the Beautiful People lived happily ever after…but, I can’t. As much as this fairy tale has sucked me in…I can’t tell you how it ends, because unfortunately I’m still LOST.

My Daisies Are Pushing Up Daisies

posted by Momo Fali on January 27, 2008
I love flowers and plants and like to surround myself with them.
These are just some of the examples of my green thumb…
These are fresh flowers my husband brought home last week.
This is a plant I’ve had since
I went to college 19 years ago (yikes…I’m old).

This is a plant in my kitchen.

A friend gave me this plant about six or seven years ago.
And, my daughter hand-painted this pot and gave me
this extra special plant,
just so I could kill it.