Posts Filed Under Photos


posted by Momo Fali on December 29, 2012

Are you kidding me right now? You’re 14? That’s just crazy.

Your birth was terrifying. I went to the hospital for a routine ultrasound and you arrived the next day, 10 weeks too soon. You were all of 2 lbs. 9 oz. and so small that I couldn’t fathom you would ever be as big as you are now. I still worry about you a lot, but nothing like how I worried back then.

Here you are with the lamb that watched over you for the five weeks you spent in the hospital. This was a momentous occasion, because you had reached 3 lbs. For the record, that is pretty much no weight at all. I can gain 3 lbs. if I eat too many tortilla chips.

People talk so much about how far your brother has come, but you are a miracle too. I guess you’ve always made it look so easy. You make a lot of things look easy. Mostly reading books. And, math. And, softball. And, organization. And, a lot of other things for which you could give me lessons.

I am somewhere BEYOND proud of you for how far you have come from that teeny, tiny preemie. I was about to say that you are an amazing kid, but you’re not really a kid anymore. It makes my heart hurt to say that, but I’ll be okay. Just don’t talk about going away to college or I’ll burst into tears. Fair warning.

Now, that lamb is dwarfed by your 14 year old self. See it? Up there by your head? It’s barely visible and yes, that’s the same lamb. Also the same person, but in a bigger bed and with less monitors and hospital bills.

There is something about you, though, that makes me NOT look back. With you, I tend to look forward. You have so much to offer this world and I can’t wait to see where you go and what you do. I have never been more sure of anything than I am of the fact that you can conquer anything to which you set your mind.

Except for how much I love you. I’m sure of that too.

Happy birthday, Goose. I’m so glad you were born.

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On Not Wasting Time

posted by Momo Fali on December 18, 2012

It’s been eight days since I posted here. A lot can happen in eight days. A lot can happen in an instant.

Almost 10 months ago we had a vacation planned that was intended to be more of a celebration of life than it was rest and relaxation. That trip was canceled at the last minute because my son got sick; months worth of planning changed in a matter of hours.

Last month, when my cousin fell ill and passed away, we were determined to finish what we had started. Despite my anxiety and complete lack of risk-taking behavior *holds Zoloft tightly in hand*, I felt like it was never more important to get my kids on a plane and head off to do things they, and I, have never done.

When I heard the news of the Sandy Hook tragedy, my family and I were halfway through a visit to Key West. One minute I was sharing photos of tropical drinks on Facebook and the next I was crying in the middle of a restaurant. I didn’t want to scare my kids too badly, so I waited until they were asleep before I got on my phone and scrolled through the news. That’s when I found out that fellow blogger, Victoria, lost her nephew in this senseless act of violence.

Victoria, me and Maria in happy times. Photo by Mishelle Lane Photography.

I had tried to keep the pain at bay by distancing myself from the news, but it was no longer possible to do so. I knew someone who was directly impacted. I was connected. As my children slept, I hugged them, kissed them, and prayed for the parents who couldn’t do such things anymore. I cried for Victoria and for her family.

I didn’t watch the news on Saturday or Sunday. Instead, we did what we originally intended to do – we celebrated. When I wasn’t holding my kids tight, burying my nose into their saltwater-scented hair, and being thankful to have them near, I was watching them live the heck out of life. I have another entire post on the generosity that made all of this possible. For now, just know that my heart hurts from the goodness of it all.

We went parasailing.

This is two of us waaaaay out there. Tandem parasailing –

Then, while my husband and daughter stayed with the Sebago crew and went snorkeling, my son and I rode six miles out to sea on Fury’s glass bottom boat to view the world’s third largest coral reef.

This was right before I turned around and yelled, “I’m the Queen of the World!”

Glass Bottom Boat –

And if I had a waterproof camera I would show you the pictures of us on Barefoot Billy’s jet-skis in the Atlantic Ocean. This is where my anxiety took a back seat to pure enjoyment of life. I had so much fun jumping over waves that my daughter was holding tight to my waist yelling, “Mom! You’re CRAZY!” It was such an amazing moment that I couldn’t tell if my face was moistened by the ocean mist or my tears; maybe it was a little of both.

But, it didn’t end there. We went on a nighttime scavenger hunt, collected seashells and splashed around in the pool.

We fed sharks, we played chess, we bellied up to a few bars and we watched the sun set.

Feeding sharks at

Ordering a Roy Rogers at the Hog’s Breath Saloon

I learned that it’s okay to take risks, that if your teen daughter is really happy she might even hold your hand, and more than anything I learned to never, ever take my children for granted again.

Day 30 – No Respect

posted by Momo Fali on November 30, 2012

My 13 year old daughter has been working very hard on a social studies project that is due next week. She spent the past few days creating her own, mini-encyclopedia and I must say that it has turned out really well.

Except for the dedication page.

The saddest part of this whole thing? I don’t even know who Billy Burke is.

Day 17 – Crowded

posted by Momo Fali on November 17, 2012

Four in the bed and the little one said, “When are you guys getting up? I want pancakes!”

Seriously, even the dog was annoyed.