Archive for October, 2009

Your Lil’ Farmer Will Thank You

posted by Momo Fali on October 9, 2009

Way back when, before my husband and I started our family, we used to dine at fine restaurants. Restaurants with jumbo shrimp appetizers, wine lists and waiters with French accents.

After our daughter was born we took a break from those type of establishments until we felt she was old enough to behave, then we made an attempt to have her join us in the fine-dining arena. As it turns out, those places don’t even have high chairs! Nor, do the managers act kind when small children throw knives. Who knew?

Since that experience, and especially since the addition of our son, we have stuck with tried and true, family-friendly facilities. Places with booster seats, crayons and a kid’s menu. Bob Evans is our favorite. First of all, because it’s a place where we’re comfortable taking the kids. Secondly, sausage gravy and biscuits. Enough said.

Right now there’s a bonus for you Lancaster, Ohio readers too. Through October 14th, you can get a free kids meal with the purchase of an adult-sized entree at the Bob Evans located near River Valley Mall at 2157 Schorrway Drive. There are even some new additions to the kid’s menu and they can eat breakfast all day.

And, as if preparing and serving up Plenty-o’-Pancakes wasn’t enough, Bob Evans wants one lucky reader to have a $25 gift card!

Just leave a comment here, with a valid e-mail address, between now and Saturday, October 17th at noon EST and I’ll enter you in the drawing. Happy eating!

10/19/09 Update: Congratulations to RJRuff! Enjoy your pancakes!

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It’s a Hard Habit to Break

posted by Momo Fali on October 8, 2009

My seven year old son, who has slight OCD tendencies, goes from one bad habit to the next. He went from constant swiping of his forehead, to scratching his arms and legs, to pulling up his pants incessantly, to eyebrow raising.

Most recently, he has regressed to the pants pulling, no matter how many times I tell him his jeans aren’t falling down. With this go-round of the pants tugging habit he has decided to throw in pulling up his socks as well. You know, for good measure.

I understand that these things are hard for him to stop doing. Addictions work that way. For instance, my mom, who quit smoking for almost 10 years, started again. But I hardly have room to talk when I can’t control myself if there is chocolate within 20 yards.

My daughter often chastises her brother for chewing with his mouth open, but what she doesn’t realize is that when she chews gum she resembles Violet Beauregarde. She also starts talking before I’ve had my coffee in the morning. Oh wait. I guess that’s my problem, not hers.

My husband listens to music too loud, I know a girl who over-whitens her teeth and I am friends with lots of people who drive too fast. Hi, Kim! Everyone has a bad habit.

As annoying as they may be, I suppose my son’s actions aren’t all that harmful. They aren’t disgusting either, as was the case when I was a child and I bit my nails. Ew. Now I take care of my nails as best I can. Of course, my new habit is picking my cuticles, because I like to defeat my own purpose.

So tell me, boys and girls, what habit do you wish you could break?

Random Realizations: Illness Edition

posted by Momo Fali on October 6, 2009

1. After three weeks, “taking it easy” becomes completely overrated.

2. Daytime television is horrible, but middle-of-the-night television is even worse. At one point, you may find yourself so desperate that you watch an episode of Three’s Company. Shudder.

3. After two chest x-rays and a lung scan where you have to breathe radioactive gas through a tube, you’ll realize that if the flu, pneumonia or possible pulmonary embolism won’t kill you, the radiation eventually will.

4. Chicken and noodles is good.

5. Pain medicine is even better.

6. You may be so out of it that you won’t realize new carpet is being installed until it’s already been laid, covered with mud and cleaned up.

7. When no one will come near you, your dog’s affection is absolutely wonderful.

8. Even if that dog stinks.

9. Once you feel better and tell people you’re no longer contagious they will still take two steps back if you come near them.

10. You may come home from the hospital to find flowers, home-cooked food and groceries all over your kitchen.

11. And then you will realize how lucky you really are.

This Rug is so Rite

posted by Momo Fali on October 5, 2009

I would like to introduce you to the latest thing to make my heart go pitter-patter. My mudroom. One sure way to make a woman happy is to give her family a place to declutter before entering the house.

This room at the back of our home has gone through a few transformations. When we moved in almost 12 years ago, it held the debris from the complete home renovations we did. If these walls could talk they would probably say they heard a lot of cussing back then.

After that, it contained hand-me-down furniture from my mom. It was lovely, but way too over sized for our small porch. You could barely walk through the room let alone sit in it.

Last summer we decided to make a change and finally start using this space the way we’ve always intended. We bought a table and chairs off of Craigslist which makes a great place for the kids to sort through their backpacks after school. We also purchased a storage ottoman that not only holds our patio cushions, but is also where the kids can sit down to take off wet or muddy shoes.

Yet, we made those changes and the room still looked horrible. Why? Because the flooring was astroturf. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING you can do to make a room look better when the floor is covered in astroturf.

Then like an angel swooping down with carpet-covered wings, I got an e-mail from Rite Rug asking if I would like to be part of their 75th anniversary celebration. They wanted to know if I had a mudroom that needed a makeover. Did I ever! I was thrilled with the idea of walking out the back door without feeling like I needed to suit up first!

Now there’s no more astroturf. In its place is this gorgeous, green carpet that was covered in mud the day it was installed. And, you know what? I never even knew. My husband waited for the mud to dry, then vacuumed it right up. It’s pretty carpet that cleans up nicely and you don’t even need cleats to walk on it!

Oh, and apparently it’s comfortable too.