Archive for August, 2013

The Home. T – Buckeye Pride

posted by Momo Fali on August 7, 2013

I am a Buckeye born and bred. Even though I would move from this state in a heartbeat if I could get my husband to move west, I would still be, and will always be, a Buckeye. You can be proud of the state in which you were raised and still hate winter. Just sayin’.

Ideally, I would only move away for the cold months – and maybe some of the hot ones – but, spring isn’t bad and fall is just gorgeous around here. It would be hard to be away from September-November because the trees turn fiery, the wind is crisp, and Buckeye football rules all.

In Chicago recently, I was at a group dinner when I was introduced to a man sitting on my right. He asked where I was from and I said, “Columbus.”

He replied, “Columbus…Ohi0?

I nodded and he said, “O-H!”

And I answered, “I-O!”

Then everyone else at the table looked at us like we were crazy.

Don’t judge us! We spell it so we’re not confused with Iowa.

In a few weeks, when football season begins, I will don this shirt from The Home. T and wear it with pride. And, comfort. I boast my allegiance to all things Buckeye in softness. Buttery softness.


At the same time, I’ll be showing my loyalty to my country (every Home. T is made in the U.S.A.) and my family and friends (a portion of profits is donated to Multiple Sclerosis research). I’m covering my bases in one fell-swoop and one very soft t-shirt. Ohioans rock at multi-tasking; we can watch football, drink beer AND milk a cow at the same time.

Where do you consider home? Would you wear it proudly across your chest? See if your state’s shirt is available, here!

Disclosure: I was sent a free Home. T for review. I also disclose that I love this shirt!

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This is Tom

posted by Momo Fali on August 4, 2013

This is Tom.


I realize this photo is blurry, but Tom wouldn’t stay still.

This is also Tom…


…in white jeans, a wig, and faux-fur vest. I have no explanation for this.

Tom has been a friend of ours since our daughters were in kindergarten. He is a father of two, he is obsessed with his meat smoker, he’s Italian, and he’s a pain in my butt. Every time I see him he tells me he “wants to be on my blog.” So, here you go, Tom. You’ve officially made it!

But, this post isn’t just about him; it is a sweeping generalization of what it takes to be, what I consider, a good friend. Tom fits the bill, would you? If so, call me. Also, pick up a pizza on your way over.

1. There must be no pretense. The best thing a person can bring to a friendship is their authentic self. Period.

2. I like a good story-teller and the more humorous the story, the better. No pressure.

3. You should not be easily offended. For instance, if you display any of #1 by telling me about your new car, you should be able to take the teasing I will dish out because you have two kids and two dogs and you bought a two-door car. *cough* Tom. *cough*

4. Beer-drinking is a plus. Throwing parties with the request that each person bring a signature cocktail is a triple plus bonus!

5. You have to be willing to come pick me up on the side of a road in the middle of the night if my car breaks down. Because I would do the same for you. Or your kids, or your grandma. Tom probably wouldn’t do this, but his wife would, so he is awarded #5 by proxy.

6. If my kids are doing something wrong, I expect a good friend to pull them aside and tell them to knock it off…and why. It takes a village, people. It takes a village.

7. You should appreciate a good inside joke. For instance: Tom, the vest was awesome, but you should have worn the bike shorts.

8. Be willing to embarrass yourself for the friendship’s greater good. See above photo for proof.

9. Own pets. Most of my good friends are pet-owners. Only a couple of them have cats, so pretty much just dog-people. Pet owners have good souls and dog-people get bonus points, because duh. Dogs.

10. Understand that I’m a busy woman so writing one blog post about you is doable, but two would be pushing it. Though if there’s more of #4, we’ll talk.