Archive for December, 2013

He Moonlights as a Quick Thinker

posted by Momo Fali on December 10, 2013

My husband and I were recently watching a sit-com in which two of the main characters, who went through a few seasons of flirting and angst-filled relationship banter, finally started dating.

My husband said, “This show is ruined now. They always do this.” He held up his fingers and started counting. “They did it when Sam and Diane got together, they did it when Chandler and Monica got together, they did it with that couple from Moonshiners…”


This is a picture of my son, but this is pretty much the exact look I gave my husband.

But, before I could call him out on his Moonlighting mistake he said, “When those two rednecks got together it totally ruined the show.”

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What Kind of House is This?

posted by Momo Fali on December 4, 2013

Four years ago I found Santa marking himself down on his own naughty list. Remember?


Santa has a thing for redheads.

This morning I found the dog’s snowman laying on the floor like this:


At this rate, I’m thinking I should just put Rudolph in the front window and let the red light shine.


posted by Momo Fali on December 2, 2013

How did my National Blog Posting Month challenge end up? Well, I wouldn’t dare commit to another month of posting every day – at least not until November, 2014. I missed two days this year, and one time I posted fifteen minutes late, but this was still a personal record for me; the longest NaBloPoMo run I’ve ever had.

It seems inconceivable that I would skip the last day and again yesterday, but twice in the past couple of months I’ve had pieces of paper shoved in my general direction with pretty pie charts which discuss life balance. I have taken that as a hint that I need to pay closer attention to how my time is divided.

My Pie

My husband gets almost the same amount of time as prayer, so he has that going for him.

Granted, some of these sections overlap. My kids really cover the whole pie, because my life revolves around their existence. Period. Also, I would say that my immensely satisfying work is part social, part self-care and part financial, and because my husband and I work out together my time with him trickles into the section of exercise. Sweat is totally romantic.

But, this weekend when the opportunity arose for me to spend time with family instead of working or otherwise sitting in front of a computer screen – I took the chance and ran with it. Sure, there were projects to work on, laundry to do, and my kids would probably appreciate it if I’d go buy some milk and cereal, but those things can wait. At least until we run out of underwear and bagels.

So, yeah, I didn’t post on the last day of November and I skipped right over the first day of December, but that’s okay. I’m trying to even out my pie.