Posts Filed Under Shameless Statements

We’re Buying Her A Mosh Pit For Her Birthday

posted by Momo Fali on April 13, 2008

It seems as though my nine year old daughter has been playing too much Guitar Hero, because when I picked her up from school on Friday she said, “Mom, Barracuda has been stuck in my head all day.”

And, last night when her brother showed me the American Sign Language sign for I love you, she said, “I don’t think that means, I love you. I think it means, Rock on.”
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If Only Target Sold Sand In Which To Bury My Head

posted by Momo Fali on April 9, 2008

My five year old son has a game he likes to play, where he runs up our steps and I run after him trying to pinch him. We do it whenever we’re both going upstairs. I created this method to get him in the vicinity of the bathtub, without any struggle.

But, please take my advice. Before you consider implementing this pinching game, you should also consider that your child may one day run down the main aisle at Target, look over his shoulder and loudly shout, “Hey Mom!! Come get me, and pinch my butt!”

Just hypothetically…

My husband and I were talking about what a hard time he’s going to have when our daughter gets older, and boys start paying her attention. To put it mildly, her Daddy won’t come off as kind and gentle to her suitors.

I relayed this information to my nine year old daughter and said, “I feel sorry for the guys you’re going to have in your life. It won’t be easy for them, or for you.”

To which she replied, “It’s really okay, Mom. I’m not worried about it…I plan on being a widow.”

I Feel Like Rodney Dangerfield

posted by Momo Fali on April 3, 2008

I picked up my son from school yesterday, gave him a hug and a kiss, then said, “I really missed you.”

He hugged me back, and said, “Aw, thanks. I really missed Daddy.”