Archive for November, 2011

Day 12 – Special Needs Sibling Saturday

posted by Momo Fali on November 12, 2011

Today I have a guest post up at Squashed Bologna.

Varda, aka Squashed Mom, hosts a wonderful series called Special Needs Sibling Saturdays where she gives kids, like my daughter, a place to be heard; a place where being the sibling of a special needs child isn’t different, it’s typical.

Come see me over there!

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Day 11 – The Mini Horror

posted by Momo Fali on November 11, 2011

I think I’ve done one laundry post in over four years and now I’ve done two in the last week.

Make that three.

Look what I did to my poor 12 year old daughter’s leggings (remote thrown into the picture for perspective).

Anyone have a one year old? Or, a doll? Preferably with one leg shorter than the other.

On the bright side, they smell good! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway from BlogHer and Bounce! You could win a Bounce Dryer Bar and a $50 Visa gift card!

Day 10 – The Horror

posted by Momo Fali on November 10, 2011

My 12 year old daughter attended an environmental camp over a month ago. She had to pack everything from t-shirts to a winter coat. Ohio weather is unpredictable. It’s not unusual to run your heat and your air conditioning in the same day.

My kid left, and came home, with So. Much. Stuff.

When she returned, her old backpack, which was used for daytime jaunts around the camp, was emptied and tossed to the bottom of the basement stairs. It wasn’t something that needed to be cleaned right away, because she rarely uses it. So, there it sat, on the floor, until I had room in the wash to throw it in. That was yesterday.

The quilt from her bed was the only companion to the backpack in the washer. I played it safe and cleaned them in hot water, given that her quilt is covered with the hair of our younger dog, who loves to snuggle…and shed…and the basement floor is covered with, who knows what.

When the timer went off, I went downstairs, lifted the washer lid and out wafted the most horrid smell my poor nose has ever come across. I pulled out the backpack and noticed that it was unzipped. Then I removed the quilt to find this sitting underneath.

People, that used to be a sandwich.

Apparently, the backpack wasn’t emptied OVER A MONTH AGO and this thing has been decomposing the entire time. All hail the generic zipper bag that kept the contents from oozing out and stinking up my house…until the washing machine got hold of it. Not until then, was the full power of stench released.

You know, all over what was supposed to be clean laundry.

Speaking of laundry…don’t forget to enter my giveaway from BlogHer and Bounce! You could win a Bounce Dryer Bar and a $50 Visa gift card!

Day 9 – Random Realizations VII

posted by Momo Fali on November 9, 2011

1. If you see that the wind has blown leaves over every square inch of your yard, it will rain before you have a chance to bag them.

2. When you go for a run and your Albuterol canister is empty, your asthma attack might seem a lot worse than normal.

3. Because it is.

4. Out of desperation, you might drink a beer to calm yourself down.

5. Well, half a beer. Then use the other half to make beer-can chicken on your grill!

6. You’re efficient like that.

7. When you’ve been on your feet, cleaning, making dinner and doing laundry for hours and you finally sit down with everything you need within reach (cell phone, home phone, laptop, steno pad, pen, glasses and books…see efficient statement, above) you might spill a cup of water on half of it.

8. When you’re 40, you will find hair growing out of places you never did before. Like your chin, and your neck and your ears.

9. You also might find that running three miles, three times a week for over a month, results in a three pound weight GAIN.

10. Which may make you want to burn the Halloween candy.

11. Right after you eat that Twix bar.