Archive for November, 2011

Day 16 – Tick Tock

posted by Momo Fali on November 16, 2011

The clock is ticking, but there is no sound. It’s not like the clock that stood in my grandmother’s living room, chiming the day away in fifteen minute increments. Tick-tock, ding-dong, ding-dong.

It’s a clock with glowing numbers that stares back at me from my husband’s nightstand, jumping minute by minute into the next hour and then into the next day. The red digits cut through the silence, loudly reminding me of the sleep I do not get.

The dog’s collar jingles from the hallway and she enters my room; her keen senses tell her I’m awake. Maybe a walk, she thinks. “Not yet” I whisper and pat her head.

I rise and tiptoe out of the bedroom and the young dog follows. I can hear my son snoring and see the glow of my daughter’s charging cell phone bouncing off of the overhead light. I walk slowly down the creaking steps and shuffle to the kitchen where I reach for the timer on the coffeepot. Click. I turn it on long before its timer is set to brew.

I stretch. I bend. I yawn. I feel the cold tile beneath my bare feet and I shiver until the chill has vanished. I lean on the counter and tap my fingers. I wait.

When the coffee is ready, I hold the warm mug in both hands and plop down on the couch. The dog curls up next to me and as she drifts off and dreams of chasing squirrels, I look up to see a green light shining from the cable box.


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Day 15 – and Kindle Fire Giveaway

posted by Momo Fali on November 15, 2011

Editor’s Note: This is a sponsored post. I was paid by BlogHer to write this post and conduct discussions on

Update 11/28 *The winner has been chosen and notified. Thanks for entering, everyone!*


Before I started blogging in 2007, I started writing a novel. I have had the story in my head for so long that the characters feel like extensions of my family. Well, except for that one really bad guy.

The manuscript that I started, forever ago, sat untouched until I recently picked it back up. I got inspired. I got motivated. I started working on it again.

I am the Social Media Manager for the largest community of women who blog, with 34 million visitors to our network each month. I host their Twitter stream that has over 36,000 followers and I do my own social media marketing on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Stumbleupon and Linkedin.

The last thing I needed was another social network.

But, I was asked to try and did. And, it’s pretty great. is not just a social network, it’s an “interest network”. As part of, is a place where you can find a community of people with the same likes as you. Whether you’re into cars or fashion, home decorating or fitness, there is a network of people with whom to share your tips, tricks and passion.

And, is where I found the Blog to Book community.

I’m not the only blogger trying to write a book. There are a lot of us in this boat and when the sea gets stormy and it gets hard to row, I have people who know exactly how I feel when I say that I stink at metaphors. They get it when I’m frustrated that I didn’t meet my word count goal or they understand what it’s like to outline chapters when kids are running around the room

Tips, tricks, passion…frustration. We share it all.

Within our community we can talk, add photos and even create polls to ask for opinions. It’s exactly what I needed to get started again.

And, guess what? You can get started reading and watching because and BlogHer are letting me give away a Kindle Fire!

Comment here or join the discussion in the blog to book community on to enter. Official rules are here. My part of the contest ends on Monday, November 21 at midnight ET. Comments or discussions on timestamped after midnight ET on November 21 won’t be eligible for my part of the contest.

    • Tuesday, November 1 – Monday November 7 — win here — GIVEAWAY CLOSED
    • Tuesday, November 8 – Monday November 14 — win here — GIVEAWAY CLOSED
    • Tuesday, November 15 – Monday November 21 — win with Momo Fali or Matt LogelinGIVEAWAY CLOSED
    • Tuesday, November 22 – Monday November 28 — win with Sassymonkey
filed under Giveaway, Nablopomo and tagged with

Day 14 – Tease

posted by Momo Fali on November 14, 2011

I’m a bit spent, so today’s post is nothing but a tease.

I have a fantastic giveaway starting tomorrow! Like, really fantastic!

And, it’s going to do my heart good to make one of my readers so happy. Like, really happy!

Come back tomorrow, when I can actually tell you what it is.


In the meantime, don’t forget my BlogHer and Bounce giveaway going on here. You could win a Bounce Dryer Bar and a $50 Visa gift card!

Day 13 – Rising Above

posted by Momo Fali on November 13, 2011

I was all set to log on here tonight and say that I was giving up on this project. I’m tired…exhausted really…more mentally than physically and was doubting myself a lot. I sat here and cried and wondered why I had chosen to take this on when I can barely keep up with my other responsibilities.

A friend and I climbed to the top of a ridge in southern Ohio yesterday. It was the best feeling I’ve had in a long time. I got scratched by thorns and the steep ascent left me out of breath. At one point I slipped and fell. It felt so good when we got to the top, though, and we watched the sun set through the bare trees. Sometimes, you just have to climb above the fray and be still.

Of course, deep down, I really know why I took on this month-long, writing exercise. I know that when life pushes me down, I can come here to be uplifted. I know that when my soul feels crushed, I can write until it no longer hurts to draw a breath.

Those trees are stronger than I am; able to face the cold with their naked limbs reaching toward the sky. They wait to be renewed by the warmth of spring and only the weak ones will break under the pressure of ice and brisk winds of winter.

I am not as hardy. I am weak because I am human.

But, I find strength in words.