Archive for March, 2012

The In-Laws

posted by Momo Fali on March 19, 2012

Tomorrow morning, my mother-in-law is having breast cancer surgery. This is one of those times when I ask people to storm heaven with prayers. Thank you in advance.

I know that in-laws are often the butt of jokes, but not mine. They have never treated me with anything but kindness and love. It’s probably because I put up with their son, but that’s another blog post. *hi, honey* *blows kisses*

Unfortunately my in-laws live a couple of hours away which means that we don’t see them as often as we would like. Though, that hasn’t stopped my father-in-law from helping us build a swingset (then rebuilding the swingset after Hurricane Ike tore it down), helping us put up a shed, changing light fixtures so that I wouldn’t shock myself, repairing plumbing, and assisting with the development of a simple machine (kindergarten homework is, like, HARD).

My mother-in-law has made deviled eggs for my parties more times than I can count, shown incredible patience when teaching my daughter card games, kindly let my son run his hands all over her arms, and shown me that it’s possible to spend your life with a stubborn man. *waves* *puts husband’s favorite dinner in crock pot*

And, they both taught us how to make homemade wine. That’s what you call an in-law WIN!

Their living so far away makes it extra special when they visit. But, eventually you have to watch them pull out of the driveway.

And, the boy in that picture really hates that part.

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My Favorite Things – Spring Edition

posted by Momo Fali on March 13, 2012

The sky is blue, birds are chirping, and that can only mean one thing…it’s time to shop!

Because I believe in full disclosure, I will tell you that none of the following were provided by companies or sponsors and I am not being paid for my opinions on these items. I should also be clear and state that I am not above being paid for said items. Just sayin’.

Without further ado, here is my list of favorite things for spring!

1. Corona Light

Okay, I like this all year through, but on a sunny day when the mercury hits 72 degrees, this beer starts yelling for me to come get it out of the refrigerator. It’s true. It screams, even.

2. Softball

My daughter’s favorite sport and my favorite to watch, maybe because we sometimes take a cooler (see #1). The only other sport she plays now is golf, which is also fun as long as I have a cart (see #1 again).

3. Flip-Flops

I have more flip-flops than you can imagine. I have flip-flop issues. Also, handbags. And, Corona Light.

New Balance Flip Flops from Famous Footwear

4. Flameless Candles

I love sitting outside amidst candlelight, but the wind doesn’t always cooperate. These look just like the real thing, but they run on batteries. Ha ha! Take that, wind!

Gerson Company Candles from

5. Portable Fire Pit

We have two of these and they both came with removable bowls that can be used for ice, so you can either use it as a firepit (s’mores!) or as a place to ice down your drinks (see #1).

Odesa Firepit from Target

6. The Dhara Dress from Athleta

Wear it with aforementioned flip-flops, flats or Chuck Taylors, a cardigan or a jean jacket. This dress is soft, comfy, flattering and versatile. Need I say more? No, I need not.

7. Schick Quattro for Men Razor

First of all, yes, it’s for men. Men’s razors work better than women’s and when both sexes want to accomplish the same thing, I don’t understand why they see fit to market them differently. Bygones. I use this razor every single day and never get a nick. If you’re going to wear shorts or capris, you’re going to have to shave, and please…if you’re going to wear flip-flops, don’t forget the toe hair. There, I said it.

8. Blue, sparkly nails

I’m on a blue kick and a sparkly kick so this is the best of both worlds. With a blue base coat and this Revlon polish on top, my nails look like the color of the sky and they shine like the sun. Also, who likes clichés? *raises hand*

9. The ChickCAN Rack

Have you ever had beer-can chicken? It melts in your mouth and it’s as easy as drinking half of a beer (What? You have to!), sticking what’s left of it in this rack, then sitting a whole chicken on top. Rub in some seasonings, put it on your grill and you have a main dish that’s delicious. Plus, whole chickens are more inexpensive than buying breasts alone and you get more meat. Bonus!

Barbour ChickCAN Rack.

10. Cadbury Creme Eggs

If it weren’t for my doctor, I would eat my weight in these every spring. *shakes fist at milk chocolate*

Cadbury Creme Egg from

Thanks a lot, high cholesterol. Thanks a lot.

What’s Freedom Ring?

posted by Momo Fali on March 9, 2012

My son got hearing aids yesterday. A few people have been surprised to find out that his hearing loss was bad enough to warrant them, but trust my raised voice when I tell you that I have been answering the question, “What?” for years.

I won’t sugarcoat it and say it’s easy to have a kid with health problems or that I didn’t feel like getting new medical equipment was a giant step in the wrong direction, but this morning when he told me that he heard footsteps for the first time, my heart almost exploded.

Plus, there’s a chance he won’t sound so unpatriotic in the shower anymore.

The B-Word

posted by Momo Fali on March 6, 2012

My son was doing his homework yesterday afternoon when, as usual, his mind drifted and he started goofing off. Focus is not his strong suit.

I looked up from my work and said, “If you want to be on time to your Cub Scout meeting, you had better concentrate and get your work done.”

He stared at me, then said, “Mom, why are you the B-word?”

Even for my kid, this was shocking. “The B-word? Why don’t you tell me what that B stands for?”

And, without hesitation he said, “You know…bossy.”